Krissy is 17 weeks into the pregnancy and we're scheduled to find the sex of the baby on November 1st. She can already feel the baby bouncing around and it won't be long before I can feel it too. I'm very excited to know what we have coming, if for no other reason than to start setting up the room! We also got to hear his/her heartbeat again. How cool is that, to hear this tiny heart of our child beating away. It's really amazing.
Cori is back in full swing with dance class and school. She has a busy schedule this year but I think she'll do fine, I'm very proud of her first quarter grades so far. She has really picked up her reading and phonics and I'm extremely impressed with her progress.
The new TV season has started and there are a few shows I'm enjoying. Of course Heroes and Smallville are solid as ever, and I'm also really liking Chuck and Bionic Woman. Chuck is very smart and very funny, I'm surprised by the quality of this show. Bionic Woman is starting off slowly but I'm going to give it a few more episodes to really ramp up the action. All that remains is for Lost and Battlestar Galactica to get off their asses. Really poor management for those two shows but they're still so damn good!
My gaming lately has consisted of sporadic PC play and a lot of lunch hours with my PSP. I recently finished Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and may post a review soon. I'm currently working on Siphon Filter: Dark Mirror and I'm really having fun with this game. It's like a faster paced Metal Gear, with the best control scheme I've ever seen for a stealth shooter. On the PC I tried out Quake: Enemy Territory for a bit and Tabula Rasa. After playing TR I can safely say the MMO bug is completely out of my system. I didn't enjoy this game despite the sci-fi take on the genre and just have no interest to grind another character for ungodly amounts of time. I think World of Warcraft completely killed my desire to ever play a MMO again. Quake: ET was fun but it didn't really grab me. There are too many noobs out there for me to casually enjoy team based FPS games.
And now on to books and comics. I finished the first two books in the Dark Tower series from Steven King last month and should be starting the third next week. The series is quite different from what I expected and I think I'll stick with it. Besides, it's not like George R.R. Martin is giving me an excuse to not read other books right now (yes, George, hurry up and finish Dance with Dragons already!).

On the comics front my current favorite is the new Thor series by J. Michael Straczynski and Oliver Coipel. Issue #3 is out and the writing and art are top notch so far. Thor has never really interested me but Straczynski gives him such soul that I can't wait to see what he has in store for the character. Coipel's artwork is very detailed and slightly reminiscent of Steve McNiven's work on Civil War. And any comic that showcases Iron Man getting his armor trashed, the snot beat out of him and then being told to walk home is A+ material in my book.
I also plowed through a few trade paperbacks. The Essential X-Men Vol. 2 is highly recommended for any X-fan and contains issues #120-144 (which the movies X-Men 2 and X-3 heavily borrowed from). Supergirl: Power (issues 1-5) was underwhelming to say the least. I'm not sure I'll pick up the next volume. Next up will be Serenity: Those Left Behind, which will collect the tie-in issues released for the movie. I'm anxiously looking forward to this one.
Well that's the last 2.5 months in a nutshell. I'll be updating more frequently this fall, especially since we'll have lots of baby news to report!
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