Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Name that Hurricane!

Hurricane is upon us once again, and our eastern seaboard looks like it will be hammered this season by tropical storms and hurricanes. While I feel for those poor folks living in the path of these storms, it has to be humiliating to have your home blown away by something named Bertha or Gustav. In the spirit of this naming convention I have decided to choose my own equally outdated names for the next few storms, starting where Gustav left off.

Hurricane Humperdink
Tropical Storm Ignatius
Tropical Storm Jeeves
Hurricane Klaatu
Tropical Storm Leonidas
Hurricane Moe
Hurricane Nostradamus
Hurricane Opie

I don't think we'll see more than eight storms this season so I'll stop here. Should we be particularly unfortunate and end up pushing further into the alphabet, I'm sure Hurricane Zebediah will be remembered for quite some time.


Greg said...

I think it should br Tropical Storm Lo Pan.

Greg said...

"be". Not "br"

Frank said...

Oh that's a good one too. That storm would include tornados, extreme lightning and exploding samurai.