Thursday, August 21, 2008

John McCain: Original Fogey

The presidential race is heating up and we're getting bombarded with political ads day and night. John McCain has a slew of smear ads running right now, which in my opinion makes him look rather pathetic, but this recent ad really cracked me up.

Yeeaaaahh, ok. Not only will he save us from rising oil costs, drug dealers and taxes, but now he's also The Original Maverick™. Mr. McCain, 1986 is calling and it wants its cheesy nickname back. I had no plans on voting for McCain but after seeing these advertisements, which are obviously aimed at conservative Top Gun fanatics, my resolve to vote for Obama has increased tenfold. So thank you John McCain, you've proved to me that you are indeed the Original Tool™

1 comment:

Greg said...

I've got to say, the only thing I've heard good about McCain is that he favors nuclear power whereas Obama prefers corn subsidies for E85-type fuels. I'd still like to hear the "why" on that one. I mean, that's not nearly enough to sway my vote, but I've never been one for blind party loyalty.