Our third day here was full of fun little revelations. The first being that Krissy can and should drink coffee and alcohol. I know, hard to believe right? We had our second class today on the ins and outs of the Oasis treatment regimen and it's truly amazing how ignorant American doctors are when it comes to treating cancer. Many of you know that the only cancer options you have from Western doctors are: surgery, radiation and chemo. That's it. They won't tell you to improve your diet, take vitamins, go to church, or do naked rain dances. If it doesn't involve cutting or chemicals it's off the table. Not so here at Oasis. They use a truly incredible approach to fighting cancer that involves some cutting edge science, old fashion common sense and regular love and faith.
So what are some easy things that Krissy can do to not only combat her cancer but improve her every day health? Well, cut out the red meat, which we knew. Our country is #1 in the world for 5-6 types of cancer simply because our diets suck monkey butt. She can also start drinking 1-2 cups of coffee every day, as the antioxidant effects of coffee are counterproductive to cancer growth. Also, drinking coffee after a meal heals to counteract the amino acid interactions after eating cooked meat. She should also drink 1-2 glasses of wine each day with a meal for the same reasons. Nice huh? Of course this doesn't mean grande carmel frappaccinos, but some latte with low fat creme and a smidgen of sugar is just fine. I think I literally saw Krissy floating above her chair when she heard this news. Suffice to say we learned a lot today and have complete faith in the program here.
Today I got to do something a little special for myself too. The volunteer ministers, Bruce and Vicky, took myself and Jenny (Sharon's sister from yesterday) out for lunch. We walked down the street to a local place called Yogurt Plaza. I wasn't immediately ecstatic but hey it would be a change from brown rice and steamed turnips. Turns out it's a pretty traditional Mexican place that happens to specialize in yogurty stuff, including yogurt sauce for your enchiladas if you want. I decided to pass and had chicken enchiladas with a tasty sweet tomato sauce. They also serve toast with jam and salsa instead of chips. Different, but good. The four of us had a good lunch and good conversation, where I learned that Jenny and her husband own their own eco friendly fireplace company. Their website is pretty cool, check it out if you want to see what they do.
We walked back to the hospital and I headed upstairs to see how Krissy's lunch was. Our door was locked, lights were off and she's no where to be found. I wandered around for a bit, thinking maybe she was meeting with a doctor or chatting with our patient rep, but couldn't find her. I decided to see if she was down in Sharon and Jenny's room only to find that Jenny was also locked out of her room with no sign of her sister. Hmm, very suspicious! A few minutes later they come around the corner with big grins. Apparently while we were at lunch they decided to put the Oasis diet into action and walked to Starbucks for a latte. I had to laugh a little, but you could tell they were just so excited to be able to do something "normal". I'm glad Kris was able to get out and to do this for herself. After all, recovery is 90% mental and if this is good for her body as well then I guess the return of Starbucks to our lives is a welcome one.
Is tomorrow really New Year's Eve? Really doesn't feel like it from here. I doubt there will be any celebrating going on in the hospital, although I hear the sports bar across the street will be partying. Maybe Kris and I can share a sip of wine at midnight to ring in the new year. I'm looking forward to 2010 and the good things it will bring us.
We talked to the kids again tonight which was good except I think Cam is mad at me. She chatted it up with Kris but wouldn't respond to me at all. I guess Daddy is in trouble for leaving his little girl for so long. I can see where she's coming from, I'm bummed too. At least Cori was nice to me :)
I'm kinda tired tonight, more so than usual. I think this is because I'm not getting my usual overdose of carbs. My body is composed of 83% potatoes and I've only had one serving since we left Colorado. I may have to sneak offsite and find a baked potato or some fries soon before I lapse into a starchless induced coma. So on this note I'm signing off to watch some shows on the laptop or read until I crash. Tomorrow is Krissy's last easy treatment day until they start the big Vitamin C/Oxidation transfusions on Friday. I'm praying all goes well, and I know it will, just another step to getting her healed.
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
34 minutes ago
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