Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hut hut hut hut....

While not quite as earth shattering as Greg's announcement of a new Beyond Good & Evil game, I was equally excited today to learn there will be a new Tecmo Bowl released for the Wii next year. Although it's overly simplistic and graphically inferior to pretty much every sports game released today, the original Tecmo Bowl games are still some of the most entertaining football games ever. I still fire up Tecmo Super Bowl on my PSP every once in a while (via a nifty SNES emulator).

IGN broke the news and there is next to no actual information about the game other than the confirmation it will be made. I'm still excited though, I haven't really played a football game since EA killed the genre with it's exclusive NFL license and endless boring Madden rehashes. Let's hope it makes creative use of the Wii's motion controls!

1 comment:

Greg said...

Earth shattering. I like that.