First up we have Hospitals. This past weekend my youngest daughter Camryn was back in the ER with another kidney infection. She's doing fine now and will be getting follow up tests to make sure we don't have to do this again, but geez health care is just a retarded business. The first sign was when the ER doctor wanted to do a lumbar puncture on her before checking her urine and blood for infection. Seriously? Yes, let's bend her in half, jab a needle in her spine and suck out the fluid before we do the easy shit like testing pee for bacteria. Especially when she had this same test a month ago with negative results. I didn't let him do it and and behold! her pediatrician agreed with me. This lumbar procedure must be big bucks for him, I imagine every kid with a fever gets a complimentary spine stabbing from the good doctor. At least our stay was only two days this time, I'm praying we can keep her healthy from here on out.
Next up is social networking. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone's MySpace, Facebook, Blog, or Twitter page. While I truly enjoy all of these forms of connectedness, sometimes it feels like work to keep up with them all. I wish there was one superior site that could unite all of my friends and family so I didn't need Digsby to keep track of everything. I often feel like I'm slacking off if I don't have something interesting to Twitter or blog about. And forget about MySpace, I'm neither cool nor young enough for anyone to notice my page there. I suppose this is a bit of a rant, but honestly I can only be so interesting even to myself let alone a handful of friends :)
Last we have the incredible goodness that is the PSP. This thing keeps me entertained in so many ways I can't imagine not owning one. I keep up on all my TV shows, movies, anime and music with it. I store pictures of my kids and can check RSS feeds with it. It can browse the web from any wi-fi connection. And of course it plays games too. But not just PSP games! It can emulate PS1, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64 and NES games. I have Final Fantasy VII, Marvel vs. Capcom, and Metal Gear Solid along with several hundred games for the older systems. I have the most fun with the NES emulator though. It's amazing how good these old games look on the PSP's widescreen, I forgot just how crappy my old 13" color TV was when I was a kid. The screen shots below show a few of the games I have loaded (kudos to the old-schoolers that recognize them). The PSP has saved me from boredom countless times, in my opinion it's the best handheld available.

I think that's all I have for today's brain purging. Now I'm off to check Twitter!
1 comment:
Really glad to hear that Camryn is out of the hospital. I chatted with Chrissy in the Kitchen this morning and got the low-down.
You certainly make a compelling argument for the PSP. I've barely got time for the game machines I currently own and you're making me want another. I recognize Punch-Out, which I bought on the Wii Virtual Console, and Contra, which I was never good at. I've got a copy of Rush'n'Attack right here with me - part of the GBA cart "Konami Classics". And if I had to guess at the bottom one I'd say Kid Icarus, which I never played.
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