Day Two at Home! I'd start another suspense filled tally of our days in Colorado but I'm sure you'd all sign off when you realized the count never changes. But there will still be stories to tell, news to share and brain dumps galore to post here on BoF. If I'm sticking around, I'm taking you all with me (even kicking and screaming).
So, yes, we've been home two days already. After staying a second night at mom's house we decided to come back to our own home this morning. It's amazing how quickly you fall back into the same routines with barely a step missed. Cori is thrilled to have her room and bed back. I think I might have seen a tear of joy slip from her eyes, or maybe it was a tear of anguish now that she realized I'll be waking her up at the asscrack of dawn again. Camryn has resumed her usual post as Daddy's Girl. I missed my little shadow. Kris had another strong day that I fully expect it to continue indefinitely. She bucked up and sorted out her enormous regimen of pills and powders and broke everything down into breakfast/lunch/dinner/bedtime slots. If any of you don't know, Krissy hates taking pills, as she has the world's worst gag reflex. Watching her gulp down the fifteen or so pills this morning made me proud of my girl. She's gonna do alright!
We did receive a few tidbits of Oasis news today. Nicole emailed me with some news on her attempts to get back to Oasis. She had some lymph nodes in her neck biopsied but doesn't expect to find anything related to her brain cancer there. Tomorrow she goes in for another PET scan and hopefully she can return to Oasis in the near future. She's a sweet kid and way too young to be going through this crap. I'm praying she can start treatments asap.
We also heard from Jenny today. She and Sharon had a rough flight back to Australia but they were fortunate enough to get bumped up to business class so the ride was a little more comfortable. Sharon ended up being admitted to the hospital a few hours after they touched down. She's developed septicemia from the central line they installed in her artery. This is a bacterial infection in the blood and a pretty serious issue for someone that is already fighting cancer. More prayers to our Aussie girls that she's able to kick the infection quickly and get back to her home and family. Cancer dog is itching to wake up and start fighting!
Another surprise awaited us as we pulled into our driveway this morning. Our good neighbors James and Sherry were getting ready to walk the dog and we stopped to say hi. We haven't seen much of them lately and weren't able to get word of Krissy's cancer to them before we left for Oasis. It wasn't the most ideal of circumstances, but we got them caught up on the situation. We also found out why we haven't seen them much over the past few months. Sherry was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis last April and had been out of town receiving her own treatments during the summer. And as is common for the majority of our conversations these days, she and Krissy compared notes on doctors, diets and what paths they sought outside of Western medicine. Krissy passed on the information for her naturopath Dr. Jen and the girls are going to start having coffee together when they are home during the days. It was another of those uncanny connections we've been making with people, and more evidence that God is always working in mysterious ways.
Even though we've slipped back into the comforts of home with relative ease, I noticed some changes hitched a ride back to Colorado with us. For instance, I can't eat as much at a sitting as I could just two weeks ago. I feel full much faster and don't have the desire to eat many of my old favorites. I even lost four pounds! Krissy gained one or two. These are good changes of course, and a promising start for our new way of life. There was also another shocking change. Krissy ordered black coffee from Starbucks and there was a 6.5 magnitude earthquake in California. Coincidence? I think not!
Well, my arms are tired from rocking a 22 month old to sleep after having two weeks off. Man that kid fights sleep like no other person I've known. Well, maybe except for me. There was a slight stomach bug going around Deb's this weekend and Krissy isn't feeling so swell tonight. I'm hoping she's able to get some rest. She'll also attempt to drive tomorrow after almost three months away from the wheel. If you have any time off tomorrow might be a good day to stay home. Kidding honey! :) Ok, that's all I got, thanks for sticking around. G'night!
If The English Dub Can Catch Up to One Piece, So Can You
53 minutes ago
1 comment:
Funny, I went to check my Reader this morning and though, 'hm, Frank may not have an update out there for me to read today', but YOU DID! Thank you, Frank! Glad you four area all home together =)
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